Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two days off in a row. I realize how wiped out I have been the last month with every other day at NBH. Most of the two days were spent relaxing. I didn't realize how tired and worn down I had become. 

There are so many things I need to do and that I want to do. I did take some time yesterday to work on the fabrics I sewed at Paula's the other day.
Fabrics combined for skirt panels
There are groups of fabric for approximately six skirts. All from recycled deco fabric books. I have been toting those things around for about a decade. So, am practicing embellishing fabrics with machine embroidery, beading and some hand work as well. It is something fun and I get to work with pretty prints and put them together. 

Another selection of fabrics,  decorative stitching to be added
There isn't much else to report. My mind is preoccupied these days.

My writing is a bit lackluster. I am spread a bit thin, mentally. I still have moments of incoherence for myself since the fall on the ice. I hope this remedies itself soon. In the mean time. I will continue to steal away moments at my sewing machine. It may help to gain some clarity and I will have things to share.... Have a great week everyone.. we hare half way there... but then, a weekend, what is that! I don't have them anymore! Not complaining, well maybe a little bit... things are closing in and there is soooo much to do yet! July 1 is the last day of the lease at the little cottage by the river... what happens next is still shrouded in mystery. (that is a little scary)

Until later... adieu!

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