Friday, December 21, 2012

Color YOUR New World... as YOU Like!

I am taking this opportunity to share my respect and appreciation for the father of another very dear childhood friend. His life's journey took him home on 12-12-12. May joy and peace be with all whose lives he touched.

It has been a week! (or two!) I have been playing in photoshop, working on the logo for the website. I finished it, and it just doesn't flow with the template I chose. So back to the drawing board on that one, maybe something rather generic, while I work on the real deal!

The past few weeks have been challenging, frustrating with a dash of irritation thrown in. Maybe it is just the energy of the 'end of the world'. So today, I welcome the energy of the NEW reality. One that is filled with love, compassion, and joy.

A reality where I create only good things for myself and my life. A life of happiness for the success and achievement for all. An environment of encouragement and empowerment is automatic. Where it is exciting and foolproof to follow your dreams,  to be inspired and passionate about the journey. Where every new idea reignites and fuels forward movement and progress. A reality where we all thrive.

A time when emotional support and healing is available to all in need. A time when we can see clearly our flaws and nurture ourselves to transform.  We willingly and graciously take responsibility for our own shortcomings and unconditionally love ourselves in spite of them.  In doing so, grant others unconditional love as well, in all that they are on their own path to their greatness.

A reality where we all live peacefully in beauty, creativity and abundance at no one else's expense, but rather live richly, with personal fulfillment and the highest good of all!

Yes! I photoshop-ed it! And it was FUN!!!!
Have a Beautiful, Creative and Prosperous New Age

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