I am about to dive in to further expand my creative expression. The waters of creativity; an abundance of potential stretches before me, sparkling in the sunlight, I have no idea what to expect from this- my initial posting. This is a new adventure, one which I am eager to begin, to see where it takes me…..The creative process will unfold as the blog evolves and I become more proficient with technology.. it is, after all, just another creative tool to learn and to use.
The creative tools I am proficient with are Sewing Machine, paint brushes, pencils (colored and graphite) pen and ink… and a computer (still learning this one for 'creative' purposes!)
I don’t practice with any of them nearly as much as I would like to. However, there is an overabundance of ideas and projects that get generated endlessly on a daily basis. The more creative I am being the more inspired I am to create. This may be a journal of being in action around creativity. Inspiring others as I press onward in the expansion of my creativity.
Creative Materials and Supplies are something different.. I have a pretty good stash of these accumulated over the years of my creative experience, education and practices. There are Textiles; for apparel, quilting, home furnishings and Miscellaneous quickie projects… I am forever altering a pattern or an idea tweaking it to my own expression. I have several UFO’s lying around my house.. to inspire me to be in action around them.. so far there has been a lot of ‘inaction’! Too many things I want to do and not enough time allocated to actually doing them. This blog is my commitment to myself to be expressed creatively and to expand, sharing my experience along the way. It is my hope that you be inspired to explore your creativity and learn from your projects along the way.
It is my intention to post at least 3 times a week to start with, it may increase, it may decrease, depending on where the flow of creativity takes me, rest assured, if it spawns another blog… I will share how to get there.. so with that, welcome to my creative journey… this isn’t the beginning of mine, it is the beginning of my sharing it with the world.
My next post will be about how I got to where I am… and where I would like to see myself going creatively; I am embarking on a new adventure, filled with exploration, discovery and creative expansion. I invite you to visit again, it will be fun to see where the journey takes us. It will be fun.. I promise!